The natural power of light for Hair Removal and Bio-photostimulation
Care and Beauty for Face and Body
Q HighLight I.P.L. offers beauty treatments for the face and body in absolute safety and compliance with industry regulations, using the most natural energy in the world: light. A high-intensity pulsed light is emitted from a handheld device in contact with the skin, under the control of the beautic...
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Cosa aspetti?
The range of benefits obtained through Q HighLight I.P.L. includes progressively definitive Hair Removal for light or dark skin, and cutaneous Bio-Photostimulation treatments. High-intensity pulsed light hair removal is a safe and effective system for the progressive removal of unwanted hair from various areas of the body. The system can treat a wide range of skin phototypes and solve the problem of folliculitis. Bio-Photostimulation stimulates ATP, increasing cellular action; the emitted light reactivates fibroblasts, resulting in increased neo-collagen synthesis, promoting collagen and elastin turnover. • Light skin hair removal • Dark skin hair removal • Cutaneous bio-photostimulation
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Total Safety
Q HighLight I.P.L. is a completely safe treatment, as it is performed externally, without medication, and is absolutely painless, carried out by qualified personnel. The parameters of the light pulse emitted by the special lamp (area of action, power, and duration) are customized according to indivi...
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Cosa aspetti?
The main tool of the Q HighLight I.P.L. treatment is a special handheld device containing a lamp that generates high-intensity pulsed light, accompanied by a series of colored filters that allow it to emit light with predefined wavelengths, depending on their use. Before the session, the beautician applies the most suitable filter to the lamp to treat the specific imperfection. The therapy with Q HighLight I.P.L. is quick and safe, no external cooling device is necessary, and the use of gel is not required, thanks to the exclusive Fast Cooling system, which prevents any skin redness: air is conveyed and filtered inside the handheld device, so the glass in contact with the skin remains cold, avoiding burns and redness.
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